Competitive large oil and gas well developments require serious advance planning. What some fail to understand is that many choices can reduce costs dramatically if done before the first well is permitted. I have seen (and designed) situations where millions of dollars were saved by simply changing the location of production pads and drilling laterals […]
The role of a project manager (PM) is a critical part of successful project planning and execution. While the PMBOK (Project Management Book of Knowledge) lays out the critical steps for essential project management, it does not actually describe how to choose good project managers. The first question is, “Do you like building (what this […]
Gathering systems have both a cost and value. In my experience, I have seen others make many “simple” pipeline choices that became extremely expensive due to a lack of planning. The lifespan costs and ROI of gathering pipelines are normally the result of choices up front. As the industry accountability for pipelines is increasing, failures […]